Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Letter For My First Niece

Nur Qayla Aqisya,

I dont know if u're ever going to read this letter but I wanted to write it anyway. Maybe u'll get this when u're twenty. Who knows??

Once u're old enough to understand and appreciate this letter, I anticipate and hope that U have even more opportunities than I do now.

Qaysha, U can be a doctor, an accountant, an astronaut, a lawyer, a teacher, an engineer, a designer or even a lecturer (like your awesome aunty - to be lecturer). What ever it is U want to do, I just want U to remember this --> U can achieved anything U set in your mind to. But, the only thing that can hold U back is yourself. Do what you feel in your heart to be right.

And that, I'll always be for U. I cant wait to see what life brings U and what U make out of it. Dont ever let anyone convince U that U cant do something. when they tell U cant, prove then wrong.

Because U, like me which is strong women in our family can do anything! and most of the time, I can do it better.

Aunty Shima

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Better Late Than Never

Morning peeps!!!!

Didn't get a change to write or post it on that day so I'll  qada everything here. First and foremost, Alhamdulillah my greater praise be to Allah. My deepest gratitude to mak for her incomparable love, ayah for the real reason and inspiration throughout all the years. The entire family for the support and care. Special thanks to all my lecturers, supervisor, professors, that believe in me from the very beginning. Also my friends who has always been there through thick and thin. I am truly honoured and blessed to here surrounded by every single one of u. I sincerely, thank you.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hafidz shamser wedds nurul awanis

Selesai majlis seorang lagi kawan. tgk ler gambo gambo dulu. nanti edit. malas giler nak menaip. hohoo

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Say Hiii

Hello peeps...afternoon already. nothing updated, just wanna say this :)

we text, we shared, we laughed, we cried, we just stay up just to talk each other..... & now, we don't talk.

I wish I knew what that reasons was!!! Its so difficult to leave, impossible to forget because the best people will always give memories. Take care!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Love is strange. It is intangible. But it feels like it pierces even if we push it away...

And finally, I surrender to this overwhelming feeling. But what if the feeling stops???

Monday, May 27, 2013

Brisbane!! I'm here....

Hello...time update blog ni...dah lama sampai ke Brisbane. cume tak sempat nak ngadap blog n busy teramat!!! huhuuu later sambung update. STRESSS

Minggu pertama sampai ke brisnane.

Minggu kedua


BFF kawen

hellooOO...upload gambar!! nanti baru buat full entry. sebelum, selepas dan semasa majlis diadakan. macam-macam hal berlaku!!! jeng jeng jeng

Majlis sanding sama tarikh PRU13...& yeahh, we all (vaxxsters) vote for BN.

After majlis nikah

gambar sesat...majlis resepsi sebelah lelaki

zoom in...mata sakit!!!

si pengapit serta dayang2 yang lain. tq untuk baju yang cantik. the beads jahit sendiri taw.

yehaa...sayalah pengapit.

yuhuu...ape telah berlaku????OMG OMG

ain, didi, aimi, kaka

at the guess book corner

4D3N di Johor Bharu :)

Hii Johor :P

Johor negeri yang jarang sekali aku visit sebab tiada saudara mara yang tinggal disana. nak melawat ala2 bercuti...ape je yang ada di Johor?? hehehe. Kebetulan cousin aku baru transfer kerja sebagai Engineer TNB, jadi maknya (makngah) ajak aku temankan die melawat anaknya. Fikir punyer fikir, balik je dari vietnam dua hari kemudian aku bergegas ke Johor bharu. aku ke sana naik bus je...drive?? pengsan la, duit minyak dan tol. naik bus pun RM52 seorang direct dari Teluk Intan ke Terminal Larkin. Bus bergerak pukul 9 malam, saje aku naik mlm boleh tido jaga2 mesti dah sampai.

Perjalanan dari Teluk Intan ke Johor Bharu lebih kurang 8jam. Tapi bus yang aku naik laju kot aku terjaga kul 12 tgk sighboard kat luar udah sampai Seremban..perghh laju ni. Sambung tido semula. har har har. Pukul 2, bus berhenti di Terminal Yong Peng. (Boleh la "bersahur") Kemudian, naik bus smbung tido lagi..yelaa budget smpai kul 5 pagi. Tiba2 dgr announcement "Larkin...Larkin...". Erk..tgk jam baru kul 3. "betul ke turun sini?" dgn muke blurrr baru bangun tido terus turun. Tapi dlm hati "eh, kalu aku salah tempat..naik cab la sampai ke Terminal Larkin". Turun je bus mata melilau cari mcD, sebelum tu aku dah survey ape yang ada di Terminal. Al maklumla...takut sesat. hehehe. Pakcik-pakcik teksi berpusu2 datang. Jangan harap la nak naik cab. Cousin aku dtg ambik la..

Sementara menunggu cousin, aku breakfast di mcD dulu. lebih kurang sejam lebih, baru muncul dengan muka tersenyih2. die tak tahu aku dah lama sampai...xsabar nk jumpa tilam dan bantal je. haihhh. "Cett, dekat sangat rumah cousin dengan Terminal Larkin. Dalam 20 minit". Mesti cousin aku tak jaga masa aku call die tadi. deng~~



Hello hello helllooooooo...

Dah beberapa kali buka blog...tapi  setiap kali nk menghapdate pasal vietnam, ada saja halnyer. So, entry kali ini adalah....HO CHI MINH, VIETNAM. Boleh la bagi tips pada mereka yang nak melihat keadaan disana. Harga tiket masa aku booking agak murah dalam RM150. Hotel pulak cari je kat agoda ataupun booking.com. Mak aku penah ke sana, maka sedikit sebanyak mak dah cerita. Tak bimbang sangat. Kami tak guna agen, main aci redah berdasarkan cerita mak dan review blog. 3D2N dari 8 April - 10 April 2013 menginap di Ha My 2 Hotel (budget hotel) RM500 untuk dua hari. Mulanya nak booking kat Sigon Pink 2 sebab dekat dengan pasar Ben Thant tapi fully booked la pulok. Aternyer booking last minutes. Alhamdulillah, hotel yang kami menginap sangat bersih besar dan selesa. Stuff pun baik. Recommended!!

LCCT before departure

Sampai awal giler kat lcct...penat menunggu!!

my dad

eh...ni gambar sebelum berlepas. bagi 'ogawa'...

flight laju sampai 25minit awal dari dijangka

hotel budget!! murah (ha my 2)

depan hotel...penuh dgn motokar yer.

plaza tol..nk ke sungai mekong.

persisiran sungai mekong...

The boat!! hahahhaa

honey lime tea..yummeh!!

They (local people) presented "si jantung hati song"

Mekong River

coconut choc factory at pawpaw island

Fruit garden along the way to Mekong River

Dragon Island

Makanan kat sini sedap....tapi mahal giler

sotong...based sume guna black pepper.


Chuchi Tunnel

my bro..


Tunnel...mana muat nak masuk!! har har har

awesome fruit...buat delima & ciku. manis mcm tanam dlm kilang gula.

balik flight delay!! biasa la...AIR ASIA